
Whats Up Japan on Shonan Beach Fm 78.9.

What's Up Japan

Information for 5/20!


Fireworks season is coming!

There are literally hundreds of places to see fireworks display in Japan. Many of them on the beaches or riversides.  But Kyoto has one in a Racecourse so you won’t have to get all sandy!

One of the earliest fireworks festivals is coming up in Kyoto.  It is called the Kyoto Geijitsu Hanabi Taikai.  It is held at the Kyoto Racecourse in Yodo. Admission is ¥3,500 for open seating and ¥7,000 for assigned seating.

Here is a link for more infornmation.


Nihongo Go Go

Here are the Japanese words we discussed.


A kite is a type of bird of prey common along the coast in Japan. They eat both live prey and they also scavenge.  Watch out for them since they will steal your hamburger from between the buns. They will usually swoop in from behind so that you won’t see them coming. Warning, don’t try to resist if you see them coming because it’s better to lose your hamburger than get sliced by their talons.

Here is a link for more information on Kites!


Fireflies will also be starting to show themselves real soon.  Check out this link for more information.

Tedeschi Trucks Band on Tour in Japan.

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