
【RADIO】Time for Lazy Sunday!

Time for Lazy Sunday!

今日のStringing Them Along はブルースの新しいアルバムです。

#SDGs について考えるコーナー【Future Design】 ゲストは先週に引き続き、久遠(くおん)チョコレート 代表の #夏目浩次 さん!



【RADIO】Here we go on Shonan Breeze Saturday!

Here we go on Shonan Breeze Saturday!
Go here to listen!
Our first song is "Letter To You" 
Brand new from Bruce.

It starts at 12:00 on and goes until 18:00 in Japan time.
On air now!!!
Go Here

 New York 23:00-05:00
New Orleans 22:00-04:00
Denver 21:00-03:00
San Francisco 20:00-02:00
London 04:00-10:00
New Delhi 08:30-02:30
Bangkok 10:00-16:00
Auckland 15:00-21:00
Honk Kong/Beijing 11:00-05:00
Alexandria 7am-9am


【RADIO】Hello world! Here we go on What's Up Japan on Shonan Beach FM.


Hello world! Here we go on What's Up Japan on Shonan Beach FM.

Here is the link so you can listen to the program from anywhere in the world.

Today we will talk about the Kochia plant.

Listen from anywhere in the world!
It starts at 14:00 on and goes until 16:00 in Japan so
 New York 1am-3am
New Orleans 12pm-2am
Denver 11pm-1am
San Francisco 10pm-12pm
London 6am-8am
New Delhi 10:30am-12:30pm
Bangkok 12am-2pm
Auckland 5pm-7pm
Honk Kong/Beijing 1pm-3pm
Alexandria 7am-9am
It is also rebroadcast on Sunday night at 2am Japan time actually very early Monday Morning. 02:00. Monday.


【RADIO】What's Up Japan


Time For What's Up Japan on Shonan Beach FM 789!

Listen from anywhere in the world!
It starts at 14:00 on and goes until 16:00 in Japan so
 New York 1am-3am
New Orleans 12pm-2am
Denver 11pm-1am
San Francisco 10pm-12pm
London 6am-8am
New Delhi 10:30am-12:30pm
Bangkok 12am-2pm
Auckland 5pm-7pm
Honk Kong/Beijing 1pm-3pm
Alexandria 7am-9am
It is also rebroadcast on Sunday night at 2am Japan time actually very early Monday Morning. 02:00. Monday.
                                                    Go her to listen!